A link will be provided below so you can read a letter from Bishop Nickless regarding human dignity and the concerns of our immigrant brothers and sisters. They are available to share either in print or digitally. The statements are available in English & Spanish. The view statements online: Click Here!
Press ReleaseA letter from Pope Francis to the United States Bishops regarding Immigration issues in our Country. (English & Spanish)
Lettera del Santo Padre ai Vescovi degli Stati Uniti d’America
Please find the link below to read more about our New Bishop Elect. (English and Spanish Letter)
Please find the link below of the Diocese of Sioux City YouTube channel Press Conference Introducing of Bishop-Elect. John Keehner.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish Facebook page information for: Sioux Center, Rock Valley, Hawarden & Akron
Mass Duties for Feb 15, 2025, 5 PM
Christ the King (English)
Hospitality: Ellis & McCarty
Lector: Jill Hayes
Altar Servers: Tino VV & Liam Powell
Lay Distributor: Tony Rohlk
CLOW: Kathleen Zuber
Collections: Bartels